October 11th: Eat BBQ and Dive into a Day of Mysterious Death and the Birth of a New American Comedy Legacy

October 11th: Eat BBQ and Dive into a Day of Mysterious Death and the Birth of a New American Comedy Legacy

Oct 11, 2023

October is my birthday month and I'm loving finding out what happened during this month when it comes to American history. I'm taking a break from promoting my Amazon faves for entrepreneurs on Free At 50 (because in 2023 October 11th is a BIG DEAL DAY for Amazon Prime members!).

Instead I'm looking back for a few moments- because I love the view of history from 2023! Here it is: another entry into the This Day In History category on the blog.

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Viewing history by the Jamestown ship replicas.

Historical summary of October 11th- bullet points with links to dig deeper into the topic.

1793- Philadelphia, a large city for the young United States, is home to a breakout of yellow fever. It's the year the U.S. Capitol building is being constructed in D.C. and Philadelphia will no longer be a place our federal government meets.

1809- 35 year-old Merriweather Lewis is found dead... but was it suicide or murder? Mystery surrounding his death in Tennessee, along the Natchez Trail, still exists today. He shares this death date with Leonard "Chico" Marx, of the famous Marx Brothers comedy team, who passed in 1961 (and just like that, the memories of watching old movies on Saturday mornings, in Chicago with my dad at my grandparents condo, come flooding back!)

1844- Henry John Heinz, founder of the H.J. Heinz company, was born in Pittsburgh PA. Sharing his birthday: 1962-Joan Cusack (an 80s gem whose role I LOVED in Weird Science!), 1884- first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and in 1932 country singer Dottie West.

1944- A classic film noir I love, Laura, was released in New York City. It stars Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews and is one that lives on in Hollywood history!

1968- Apollo 7 is launched at Cape Canaveral. Note: this was the first manned Apollo space mission.

1975- Saturday Night Live, commonly referred to as SNL, is launched. And a whole new era of comedy begins for us GenXers, our parents, and generations to come.

1983- Tom Monaghan, who founded Domino's Pizza in 1960, becomes CEO of the Detroit Tigers. Had to throw one in for my Michigan friends and family!

2023- years past and forward: Southern Food Heritage Day! Thus the photo of one of my favorites (possibly my absolute fave) for southern eastern Carolina BBQ, Currituck BBQ Company!

Keep checking in!

Click the links above to get more information on any of the events I listed and share your October 11th events in the comments. And keep checking in for fun "this day in history" posts on the blog.

The closing words today are from then-Colonel Washington... during the Seven Years War. For the full details and citation, click here.

From George Washington to John Hardin and Thomas Lemen, 11 October 1755

To John Hardin and Thomas Lemen

[11 October 1755]

Orders Given to Captain Harden, commanding the Militia; and Lieutenant Lemon, commanding the Rangers, at Winchester, October 11th 1755.

As I have been informed that there are Indians lurking about the Plantation of Stephen Julian,1 it is my Orders, that you, with the men under your command, proceed there very ealy to-morrow morning, and Scour all the woods and suspicious places thereabouts, before you proceed to meet Captain Smith,2 and make a Report to me of what you shall observe. Given under my hand, October 11, 1755.


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fall view in Merchant's Square, Williamsburg Virginia

My view on Merchant's Square in Williamsburg, looking back on history.

There is a huge practical disclaimer to the content on this blog, which is my way of sharing my excitement and basically journaling online.

1) I am not a historian nor an expert. I will let you know I’m relaying the information as I understand and interpret it. The employees of Colonial Williamsburg base their presentations, work, and responses on historical documents and mainly primary sources.

2) I will update for accuracy as history is constant learning. If you have a question about accuracy, please ask me! I will get the answer from the best source I can find.

3) Photo credit to me, Daphne Reznik, for all photos in this post, unless otherwise credited! All photos are personal photos taken in public access locations or with specific permission.